Strona bierna - Passive voice

Strony biernej (Passive voice) używamy, gdy chcemy przenieść nacisk w zdaniu z wykonawcy czynności na samą czynność. Używany jej także, gdy wykonawca akcji jest nieznany, bądź nie jest ważnym fakt kto daną akcję wykonuje.


Stronę bierną tworzymy poprzez ustawienie czasownika "to be" w tym samym czasie co czasownik w stronie czynnej oraz dodanie past participle.


Strona czynna

Strona bierna

Present Simple


is built

Present Continuous

is building

is being built

Past Simple


was/were built

Past Continuous

was/were building

was/were being built

Present Perfect

have/has built

have/has been built

Past Perfect

had built

had been built

Future Simple

will build

will be built

Have to

have/has to build

have/has to be built

Will have to

will have to build

will have to be built


Przykłady zdań:

Animals are often killed for their skins.

A new gallery is being built in Kalisz.

The World Trade Center was destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

A new road was being built until the town council stopped the construction.

UFOs have been seen by many people all over the world.

The prisoner had been kept in a small cell until he was transferred to the state prison.

A famous painting by Monet will be sold on tomorrow's auction.

A new church has to be built in place of the old one.

Reinforcements will have to be summoned if we are to survive the next battle.